The ACF (Advanced Custom Fields Pro) Elliot is one of the best methods for quickly adding Custom Fields to your WordPress Posts / Custom Posts. A nice feature of the plugin is the intuitive method of grouping together fields in 'Field Groups'. Oddly the ACF documentation doesn't fully cover how to output all fields in a particular group. Here's our approach:-
Output all Fields in ACF Field Group
The ACF field group is visible in the URL when you edit the Field Group >i.e. /wp-admin/post.php?post=123&action=edit
Why not make this into a WordPress Shortcode?
For handy including into your WordPress front-end you can easily make the above into a WordPress shortcode by wrapping it with the following PHP in your Child Theme functions.php file:-
// To add in your ACF Group Fields simply then add the shortcode [acfgroup]
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