Slick Media Blog

Covering Website Design, Coding, SaaS, Software and Tech.
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The Website Builder that Wins the Race is the One That Embraces Decoupling

February 7, 2025
Website builders have made it easier than ever to create sites. Still, the real game-changer is decoupling—separating the front-end from the back-end for greater flexibility and scalability. This shift is redefining the future of web development, with platforms like WeWeb and Bubble leading the way. Will Webflow and traditional website builders keep up, or is the future firmly in the hands of those who embrace decoupling?

Display Current Month and Year with Data Attributes Script

November 26, 2024
Adding dynamic content like the current month and year to your web pages can improve user experience and save time on manual updates. This quick guide will show you how to implement a small, flexible script that handles this seamlessly using Data Attributes.

20 Useful Google Sheets Functions

November 12, 2024
A selection of useful Google Sheets functions that you may not be aware of to use to improve your Google Sheets productivity.

Dynamically Load External Page Content and Run Functions with the Webflow Include Script

September 25, 2024
Dynamically load content external to the existing page and run Functions within Webflow using the custom Webflow Include script.

Open Links in Specific Target Window using JavaScript and Data Attributes

August 14, 2024
A custom JavaScript that dynamically opens single or multiple links in a new window _blank or a window target format of your choosing, such as _self or _parent using Data Attributes.

Conditional Visibility with CSS and Data Attributes

July 11, 2024
Conditional Visibility in web development and how to use CSS and Data Attributes to conditionally show or hide content on a website, depending on specific criteria.

301 Redirect one domain to another in Cloudflare

June 11, 2024
How to set up a 301 Redirect from one domain to another on Cloudflare, enable Basic Features for speed and security and a possible solution if a 301 Redirect is not working in Cloudflare.

The difference between EM and REM and how to set and responsively adjust the base font size

April 11, 2024
In modern website design, knowing how to effectively use CSS units like rem and em for font sizing and layout is essential. The differences in use can significantly impact your website's accessibility, responsiveness, and overall user experience. Central to this is understanding the differences between rem and em units and how to set and adjust the initial base font size for your web projects.

Webflow Dynamic CMS Slider

March 25, 2024
Create a dynamic Webflow CMS Slider for your Webflow CMS Collections with the native Webflow Slider and Vanilla JavaScript custom code. Data Attributes enable easy implementation, and Multiple Dynamic CMS Sliders and mixed-content sliders are also supported.

Google Workspace Promotion Codes

January 31, 2024
Get instant Google Workspace Promotion Codes from Slick Media to get the tools you need to connect, create and collaborate faster and for less.

Time Cost Calculator for Billable Time

January 29, 2024
How to Calculate Billable time with this Free online Billable Time Calculator / Time Cost Calculator

What is DMARC, and why it's crucial for Email Delivery and Security

October 31, 2023
Email is a crucial part of our daily routine for personal and business purposes. However, its popularity has led to a surge in spam, fraud, and deliverability issues. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is needed to tackle these problems.

Set the og:url in Webflow using the Canonical URL

September 11, 2023
Why the og:url is a significant omission in the Webflow Open Graph settings, and how to set the og:url using the canonical URL setting in Webflow.

Stop Programs Launching on Startup in Windows 11

August 14, 2023
Stop programs automatically launching when booting up Windows 11 to save on system resources or stop annoying program launches.

Webflow Dynamic CMS Select

July 31, 2023
A dynamic Select in Webflow populated by CMS items to make a selectable option menu for Webflow forms. This simple tried and tested Webflow hack uses no external scripts.